Friday, July 25, 2014

Paul Pope's 1977

Everyone has strong childhood memories; the smells; the sounds; the impressions. They come upon us unexpectedly, making the present disappear behind the impressions of yesteryear.
Here, in Paul Pope's 1977, we get a vivid glimpse inside the world of the author, with vivid details so strong that in just four pages we can see the kind of things that helped form who the artist became and what were his motivations.

from THB: Comics from Mars 2010 by Paul Pope

The haunted picture of David Bowie's Ziggy Stardust looks out at young, impressionable Paul Pope from the back of an album cover with a blurb stating, "To be played at maximum volume". Images like these speak volumes to us as they do to the protagonist of this short tale. Their is no real story or plot but in the short four pages our minds fill in multitudes of details about the boy who would grow up to be the creator of this work and many amazing comics.

Not only is the story impressionistic, the artwork that illustrates it is just as impressionistic with it's loose, flowing brush work and it's incredible details of snow on a run down apartment and a sporty 70's car. Paul Pope has a way of creating work that makes you just stop and soak in all of the details. In addition to amazing draftsmanship, he's got equally expressive lettering that is a joy to watch it sway and bounce line after line.

Paul Pope started out in the mid 90's creating works like THB and has since gone on to create exciting covers and interior work for most major comics publishers like Marvel, Dark Horse and DC Comics as well as creating such exciting graphic novels as 100%, Heavy Liquid and his newest work, Battling Boy. He won an Eisner Award in 2006 for Best Short Story for his work, "Teenage Sidekick", published in Solo #3 and won two additional Eisners in 2007 for Best Writer/Artist and Best Limited Series, for his Batman mini-series, Batman: Year 100.

You can see more of Paul Pope on


1 comment:

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